Rolling into 2016

Life continues to keep us on our toes and doing great things.  It’s been a while since we posted last – missing out on a whole winter of fun and adventure.  Our three week multi-city trip to NYC, Paris and D.C. was huge.  It was also a huge year for sports with Emma taking on middle school basketball and volleyball. And Will and David crushing the 10&under youth hockey.

To provide a visual catch-up here are some snippets of our winter & spring:

Emma’s slideshow of our big November travel:

Papa and Emma before the annual Daddy Daughter Dance. 2016-04-10 027.JPG

Papa and Will on a successful Ptarmigan hunt:

2016-04-10 010.JPG



Will on Igloo Mountain.

2016-04-10 076.JPG

Martha and Emma on Igloo Mountain. 2016-04-10 081.JPG

Emma and Taegan sell Girl Scout cookies

2016-02-27 113

Will and his gang take on Tok, Alaska.


The Summer of 2016 is looking to be quite full with family visits, camps and mini adventures.  Emma will be attending a two-week science and art camp at UAF, as well as a week-long Girl Scout Camp. Will is doing another week of Hockey ‘Battle’ Camp, a week of computer coding camp, and a ymca-type camp.    We’re really proud that Emma will continue with her volunteer work this summer two – working at the Denali National Park dog kennels, and helping with a Tundra Tots kids program. Will’s drawing up his summer work and study schedule – ever diligent with his time.

Loads of fun around every corner for us.

She Makes Waves

Emma girl continues to do great things to impress us. And she’s a lot of fun.


Presidents Award winner, top of her class.

Recital at Tonglen Lake Resort, with her tutor.

Recital at Tonglen Lake Resort, with her tutor.

Father-Daughter Dance

Father-Daughter Dance

Dog Kennels Volunteer (one of her three volunteer jobs)

Dog Kennels Volunteer (one of her three volunteer jobs)

Puppy socializer - its a tough job, but someone has to do it.

Puppy socializer – its a tough job, but someone has to do it.


90 Miles in Winter Wonderland

Our Spring Break was anything but a trip to the beach. It was much better than lazing in the sand, because it was a trip through winter wonderland – five days in the White Mountains north of Fairbanks.  Good friends, winter miles and fun of skiing, skijoring, and snowmachining.

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Poise and Beauty

Our sweet Emma is really growing up. After last week’s spelling bee competition and variety show performance we received several complements about the poise and mature grace of our Emma girl. We’re so proud of her.  Here is her variety show performance – Brandenburg Concerto no.5.