Give a Dinosaur Roar! Emma is 4!

We have had a fun-filled weekend celebrating Emma’s birthday. Her current passion is dinosaurs, so we threw a dino party for Emma and her 8 closest friends at our house on Saturday. We were impressed by Emma’s enthusiasm to help set up for the party with dino decorations galore (she also LOVES to create and color pictures!). Highlights included dinosaur names for each kid (Emmasaurus and Willoraptor had a grand time), playing “pin the plate on the stegosaurus” and “who can roar the loudest” – among other dino games, having the kids put on a dinosaur puppet show in four acts, making dinosaur sculptures out of salt dough, and of course digging into the dinosaur cake (NOT fossilized!). Emma was a gracious hostess and a giddy birthday girl. Thanks to Ayla, Ben, Helen, Ian, Oliver, Rachel, Sasha and Torin for adding to the birthday party fun!

Sunday we all enjoyed a fun family day together. Emma opened presents from family, brunched on papa’s french toast, went skating with papa, mama & Will, played with birthday presents some more, had a favorite dinner of “girl cheese” sandwiches, papa potatoes, pickles, and of course more chocolate birthday cake. We read some special bedtime stories about the day Emma was born, and tucked in a tuckered and happy big girl.

Here’s to FOUR great years and one more to grow on! Hip Hip Hooray for Emma!

Emma’s Birthday

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