Rolling into 2016

Life continues to keep us on our toes and doing great things.  It’s been a while since we posted last – missing out on a whole winter of fun and adventure.  Our three week multi-city trip to NYC, Paris and D.C. was huge.  It was also a huge year for sports with Emma taking on middle school basketball and volleyball. And Will and David crushing the 10&under youth hockey.

To provide a visual catch-up here are some snippets of our winter & spring:

Emma’s slideshow of our big November travel:

Papa and Emma before the annual Daddy Daughter Dance. 2016-04-10 027.JPG

Papa and Will on a successful Ptarmigan hunt:

2016-04-10 010.JPG



Will on Igloo Mountain.

2016-04-10 076.JPG

Martha and Emma on Igloo Mountain. 2016-04-10 081.JPG

Emma and Taegan sell Girl Scout cookies

2016-02-27 113

Will and his gang take on Tok, Alaska.


The Summer of 2016 is looking to be quite full with family visits, camps and mini adventures.  Emma will be attending a two-week science and art camp at UAF, as well as a week-long Girl Scout Camp. Will is doing another week of Hockey ‘Battle’ Camp, a week of computer coding camp, and a ymca-type camp.    We’re really proud that Emma will continue with her volunteer work this summer two – working at the Denali National Park dog kennels, and helping with a Tundra Tots kids program. Will’s drawing up his summer work and study schedule – ever diligent with his time.

Loads of fun around every corner for us.

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