


Favorite Color: Blue

On the Bedstand: The Book of Lost Things

                      On the Playlist: Taylor Swift

                      Favorite Animal: Indi

                      Favorite Food: Grilled Pineapple

08/11/12 Update:
Current Passion: Reading and creating ‘productions’ with her friends and brother.
On the Bedstand:
Smells Like Dog
Favorite Foods: Halibut
On the Playlist: Colbie Caillat and Lady Gaga

8-29-09 Update:
Current Passion:
School! I really like numbers.  Excited about my first math homework.
Latest Accomplishment:
The first week of Kindergarten!  Making new friends, riding the school bus.
Favorite Color: still pink.
Favorite Reads:

6-14-11 Update:
Current Passion: 
uninterupted imagination play with her brother. Biking and Swimming.
On the Nightstand: a huge pile of books.
Music:  The national anthem and the  John Butler Trio

1-26-11 Update:
Current Passion: Reading. Astounding progress.
Music: Its Gonna be a Good Night – Black Eyed Peas and Home – Edwarde Sharpe.
Current Projects: trying to nail down the science fair project.

9-9-10 Update:
Current Passion: dress-up and playing “family” with friends. Bike riding and school.
Current Readings: much to the chagrin of papa Emma is reading “Barbie Princess Books”

12-31-09 Update:
Current Passion:  “I like to go ice skating, skiing, and spend time with my family”
Favorite Book: The BFG, by Roald Dahl
Favorite Food: Papa Potatoes, Bubble Gum, Couscous

11-29-09 Update:
Current Passions:
Playing House, skiing, reading, writing letters/cards/notes
On the Bedstand:
New Foods: Couscous, Turkey Soup

8-29-09 Update:
Current Passion:
School! I really like numbers.  Excited about my first math homework.
Latest Accomplishment:
The first week of Kindergarten!  Making new friends, riding the school bus.
Favorite Color: still pink.
Favorite Reads:
The Little House On The Prairie series.  Emma now insists that when she grows up she is going to run a buffalo ranch on the prairie.

3-15-09 Update:

Current Passion: playing ‘dress ups’ with friends.
Latest Accomplishment:
gliding down hills without falling (on her cross-country skis).
Favorite Color: still pink
New Favorite Book: Paul Bunyan
New Food Favorite: caribou steak and caribou jerky

1-27-09 Update:
Current Passion: swimming in the pool.
Latest Accomplishment: ‘sticking my face in the water without any goggles.
Favorite Color: still candy pink
Favorite Book: mythical stories about the demi-god Maui
New Food Favorite: sushi
New Favorite Drink: POG (Hawaii’s Passion Fruit, Orange and Guava drink)
Quote: ‘I love Maui!’


Update 11-3-08:

Current Passion: ‘Playing’ the Lion King and Coloring.
Current Books on the Nightstand:
The Shores of Silver Lake, Laura Ingalls Wilder

Update 7-11-08:
Current Passion:
Playing with farm animals
Current Food/Eating Habits:
Bar-be-cue chicken, salad greens with dressing
Current Books on the Nightstand:
Little House in the Big Woods

Update 4-19-08-
Current Passion:
still a fanatical colorer! Reading the Magic Tree House series of books!

Update 3-23-08-
Current Passion:
Coloring, coloring, coloring. Emma coud spend 10 hours a day with her crayons just keep the paper coming. Themed coloring books are a huge hit, especially ones with characters she knows and likes – dinosaurs, peter pan, franklin, richard scarry, etc.
Current Food/Eating Habits:
Pizza remains the number one choice, closely followed by noodles (no red sauce please) with butter and shredding parm or romano.
Current Books on the Nightstand:
Emma is loving the Magic Tree House series. Jack & Annie travel through time in the tree house left for them by Morgan le Fay (of King Aurthur time) to solve mysteries and learn lessons. She really likes ‘chapter’ books now.

Updated 12/28/07 —
Current Books on the Nightstand:
The Franklin the Turtle Family & Friends Treasury
Current Energy Burn:
Playing characters. From ‘the land before time’, ‘builder bob’, ‘franklin the turtle’.

Update 9/3/07:
Here is a song that Emma wrote

Lava Song

(sing it with your head bobbing and body swaying side to side!)

Lava is old rocks that come from fire

Lava is a volcano tumbling down
Lava is found all over the world
dun dun dun dun… dun dun

Update 7/14/07 —
Current Books on the Nightstand:
Moon In Bear’s Eyes by Stephen R. Swinburne, One Morning In Maine by Robert McCloskey, Angelina and Henry by Katharine Holabird
Current Energy Burning Activity:
Bouncing on our new trampoline!
Current Playtime Scene:
Will can reach the couch and the windowsill, so times have changed. Acting out scenes (real and imagined) from favorite Franklin the turtle and Angelina the mouse stories. Will usually is cast in the best-supporting role (Snail or Harriet, and Henry, respectively).
Current Art Passion:
Anything to do with scissors and glue is a big hit with my artistic side. Though digital media is still exciting.


Current Food/Eating Habits: I still love pizza, especially if I get to make it and I get to control the pepperoni placements. I’m not really into lots of food groups mixed together, pizza is an exception. Butter, love it – often heard at the breakfast table, “Mama, I want toast with not melted in butter on top!” I like to be able to see my butter. Fresh raspberries are a hit, and of course, fresh radishes and nasturtium flowers from our greenhouse.
Favorite Color
: candy pink, second favorite: turquoise
Favorite Animal
: walrus
Favorite Songs
: The More We Get Together (Laurie Berkner), Upside Down (Jack Johnson)
All-Time Favorite Books: The Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman, And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel, Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allen Ahlberg, Franklin stories by Paulette Bourgeois, The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg.

A little video surprise for you: Emma Sledding Video (sorry, no sound)

4 responses to “Emma’s

  1. Emma, I watched you slide down the huge pile of snow in the video. You are getting so big!

  2. Emma,

    I love your new rain coat & umbrella. I have the same one as you so we can be twins! Someday when I see you, you can bring your umbrella so we can match!
    Love – your cousin Madigan

  3. Emma,

    You are such a big girl now. I loved watching the video of you and your crazy cousin Olivia. Grace, Madigan and Jackie call her “Livy” and can never get a word in… Boy, she can talk, can’t she? We are glad you had such a wonderful time with Grandma and Oliva. Maybe next year Grace and Maddy can come out for a visit!

    Give your brother a big hug and kiss for us!


    Auntie Jenn

  4. hi, it’s Emma!😀

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