
New Quotes Heard ‘Round the House:



Emma Quotes……

Emma (7) – This is bubble paradise. (in the midst of a bubble fight in the bath)

Martha – She’s named after the beach on Maui where her parents honeymooned. Mekena was a honeymoon baby.
Emma (8) –  But why did Mekena go on her parents honeymoon.

Emma(7): If its called a heart, why isn’t it shaped like a heart?

Emma (7): Will is more related to papa than me. Because they’re both boys.

Emma (7):Wait a second, why does this gift from Santa say ‘Made in China’?

Emma (6) – Do I have to live by the Girl Scout code forever?

Papa (40) – The new ducks haven’t yet laid any eggs.
Emma (6)
Then can we slaughter them and eat them?

Emma (6) – I’m going to move the chair for our live vacuum cleaner. (Carlo dog cleaning up spilled food under the table)

Emma(6) –
Papa, you’re Dark Vader, Will’s Luke Skywalker and I’m Princess Wailea

Emma (6) – Mama, I know who Santa Claus is. Its Jesus Christ.

Santa: Tell me, what do you want for Christmas?
Emma(6): Surprise me.

A shout comes from the bedroom…….
MAMA!!!!! Will is calling me names!!!!!!!
Will(2) in the background:
Names!! Names!! Names!!

Emma(5) – “I’m going to eat sushi for the rest of my life!”

Emma (5) –Mama, if it wasn’t you then it was someone that looked exactly like you.

Emma (5) – I wish we had a room where we could be as loud as we want!.  Mama replies – That’s what outdoors is for.

Emma(4) – “when I wake up tomorrow as a five year old will I be taller?”

Emma (4) –“Mama, you’re lucky because you have two kids!

Emma(4)- “at the hotel they made green waffles”
Papa– “really? Are you pulling my leg? I’m gonna ask Mama.”
Emma – “Mama’s memory is not too good”

Emma(4) –“Will’s doing his nightly catalog again” (meaning “monologue” and referring to how we describe Will’s habit(2), once he has enjoyed his dinner and filled his tummy, of sitting at the table and talking to nobody in particular

Emma(4), referring to a ‘dust bunny’ –“I found a rabbit of fuzz under the couch” – 

Emma(3) –“Topknot’s brain must have been the size of a crumb” (speculating on why that duck was killed by an Ermine and the others weren’t.)

Emma(3) –“I feel like I have to pee but I don’t – I’m just so very very excited”

Emma(3) –“How come this one never runs out?”  (wondering about her tube of toothpaste.)

Emma(3) – “I like playing with Reni & Lila and their little cat” (referring to her Anchorage friends and their little poodle dog.)

“These are vaseline-powered balloons!” -meant to say ‘helium-powered’.

Papa – “………….because we don’t want to sugar-you-up before bed time.” Emma – “Why?”

“Eating just one bite gives me all the energy I need, thats what makes a pirate magic” -when told she needed to eat more dinner.

Emma (4) – “He boils me” – referring to her brother

Emma (4) –I pushed him between his cushions (when mama asked how her toddler brother got up on her bed.)

Emma(3) – sigh…I lost my mask and can’t find my sword (In response to papa pointing out that she didn’t really look like Zorro.)

Emma(3) – Papa, is very old. Not old….. you’re not growing bigger kind of old

Emma(3) – they should have a day called ‘Father’s Day'” (after asking about Mother’s Day)

Emma(3) – we should have a Brother’s Day and a Sister’s day.
Emma –
on Brother’s Day, I’m gonna give Will a BIG hug!

Emma(3) – Mama, this is the best turkey I’ve ever had (eating duck at Christmas dinner)

E (2) – mama, I need a tissue, I’ve got an earwhack (referring to ear wax)

E (2)- papa, you’re bearding. (referring to papa’s scruff)

E (2) –my belly button hurts

E (1 & 2)- Chepuch (Translation= Catsup)

E (2) – Aminals (Translation= Animals)

E(2)- Oviler = Oliver

E(2) -The Communatia Center = the community center


Quotes from Will…….

Will (10) – “Why am I called a minor, that’s inappropriate!”

Will (9) –  “You are a gabberpoofer!”

Will (7) –  “At P.E. yesterday Mrs. Brewer told us to run around the gym 2 and half times, but most of the kids kept running because they didn’t know what a half was.”

Will (6) – [while raving about the fancy condo rental] “The alarm clock in our room even has A RADIO!!”

Will (6)  – “Why are you looking at me?”, to a unknown young girl looking over the top of the restaurant booth at Will.

Martha – So what did you do in school today?
Will (5) – We learned a nice song about “spaceship skies”.
Martha – Hmm (puzzled).  How does that go?  Can you sing it?
Will – Well, part of it is “from sea to shining sea”.
[America the Beautiful, and its ‘spacious skies’]

Will (5) – (after learning learning about hangnails) Papa, I’ve got a hangnail inside my cheek.

Will(5)- In the olden days was everything ‘in black and white’?

Will (5) – Carlo (the dog) beat me at chess. twice. And he wasn’t very nice about it.

Will(5)- When will the Rolling Stones be forgotten? [upon being told that both grandpas listened to the Stones when they were teenagers]

Will (5)- I was pushed to the end of my vengeance.

Will(5)- I’ll learn everything I need to know from animals and nature. [his response when questioned why he doesn’t want to go to school]

Will(5)- I should get to be my own person, and I don’t want a haircut.

Will(5)- She was a duck like no other. [in response to our discussion about Foxtail, the duck, being killed by a mystery predator]

Will(5)- What is water made of?

Mama- Will, please eat up your salmon, its good for you and will help you get really smart.
Salmon aren’t smart. Salmon don’t know anything.

Will(5) – We don’t need the spare tire anymore, because we’ve never had a flat tire.

Will(5) –  Me and Emma come from Mama’s side of the family.

Will (4): I used ‘the force’ to wash my hands.
Papa: I hope you used water to.

Will(4) – The first ‘grown-ups’ were Gorillas.

Will (4) – Papa, if you were in the Star Wars time would you be a bad guy or a good guy?
Papa(40) – Well, I’d be a good guy of course.
Will(4)- But, the bad guys have more things!

Will (4) – Chuck is so tall you can’t see his face!  (Our tall friend Chuck has become a ‘yard stick’ for the kids.)
The whole family :  (wild laughter from all)
Will – That’s my hypothesis! (whole family doubles over in uncontrolled laughter)

Will (4)- (while brushing his teeth he points to papa’s toothbrush) “How come you never use that toothbrush?”
Papa (40) – “I brush my teeth later when you are asleep in bed”

Emma (6) –“There is a Mother’s Day, a Father’s Day and a Grandparent’s Day, there should be a Kid’s Day!”
Will (4) – “Emma, all of the other days are Kid’s Day!”

Will (4) – My butterflies are mating! That’s a kind of fighting! (playing with cut-out paper insects)

Will (4) – Is this the way to the place we’re going?   (upon departing the house for Fairbanks)

Will (running in the room)- “Ahhhhhhh!!! A sea serpent!!”
Mama – “Get over here and get in bed, I don’t want to see your serpent”
Emma – Why did you say you didn’t want to see HIS serpent”
Mama- “It’s nothing Emma, you get into bed too”

Papa to Will: We got a fire on tooth number 6! (firetruck toothbrush in hand, the one that has flashing red lights).

Will (3) – You have to read the constructions. (translation = the instructions)

Will (3) – Did you take the crust off? (translation = the rind off his cantelope melon)

Will (3) – (to Grammie Ila) You used to be Mama’s mama, but now you’re my Grammie!

Will(3) –Who scratched the wall?
Papa – I don’t know, buddy.
Will- Lets look it up on the computer!

Will (3) – “They have food in the bacteria” (translates to ‘they have food in the cafeteria’)

Will (2-3)- “My can’t know.”  (Will’s express for not knowing the answer to a question.)

Papa: “Lets go change that daiper, buddy”.
Will (2): “Ahh, My having a heart attack!”

Will (2): “No, you loud mouth!” (Will talking back to Mama, for the 1st time!)

Will (2): “My like that!”

M: “What are you supposed to say after you toot?”        W: “please!?”

P: “Will, do you want to come feed the ducks with me?”
W:”I too busy playing.”

Will (2): “Where’s Libya?”
P:“Its the country next to Egypt!”  (Will calling for his cousin Olivia)

Papa: (toothbrush in hand):  Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?
Will(2): (smiling) The hard way

Papa: (another day with toothbrush in hand): Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?
Will(2): I wanna do it the loud way

Will(2): Tuck me my in! Tuck me my in! (Will going bed)

Will (2) – Pick me my up! Pick me my up!

Will(2) – A Boy Cheese (as opposed to a “girl cheese sandwich” (an Emma original)

Will (2) – Moot mutton (Request to read one of his favorite books ‘If you give a Moose a Muffin’)

Will (1-2)- Mot ner! (translation =  Monster)

Will (1-2) – blue duck = blue truck

Will (1-2) – build me = translates to ‘come build blocks with me’

Will (1-2) – shap toot, run away = translate to ‘sharptooth (T-rex), run away’

Will (2) – papa dude it! = translates to ‘Papa please do this?’

Will (2) me burped (said with pride)

Will (1) – me me, me me

Will (1) – pop pop (translation = popcorn)

Early Words of Will…..Emma (1), Mama, Papa, dogdog, purple, Mike, milk, ball

5 responses to “Quotables

  1. LOVE These Emma-isms! Keep ’em coming! I laughed so hard I nearly wet my pants!

  2. you guys have a great website!
    love the quotables! and the ski adventures with the sleds look like so much fun!

  3. I just stumbled across these – what a riot! Ida is just starting to say enough things that I am writing a few down (IDA! IDA! IDA!; dog-da; kids!) Miss you all – I wish Alaska weren’t so far across.

  4. Love the blog…just finally getting time to read all through and check it out….you do such a great job…..I’m ready to post more ski trip pics…..let’s get to planning…my knee is healing…I can do it!!!!!

  5. Pingback: The Things Kids Say « The Tomeo Adventure

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