
08-11-12 Updates:
Current Passions:  Collecting insects, Fishing, and Reading
On the Nightstand: Anything StarWars or Legos (Clutch Powers!!)
Current Taste: Still limited to fruit and pasta. Did eat some of the salmon he caught.

6-14-11 Updates:
Current Passions:  He rides! And with no training wheels!
On the Nightstand: The ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ series
Current Taste:  “I like meat if its round, like pepperoni, hot dogs……..”

1-25-11 Updates:
Current Passions: obscure Star Wars trivia, doing ‘home school’ with Mama, and  Tom & Jerry.
On the Nightstand: Witches by Roald Dahl

9-9-10 Update:
Current Passions: Drawing & painting elaborate story scenes. Cowboy & western play.
On the Nightstand: any cowboy & western books

12-31-09 Update:
Current Passions: Skiing, Playing with K’nex or Legos, Playing hockey with Jens
Favorite Stories: Adventures of Riley: Amazon River Rescue
Favorite Food:Melon

11-29-09 Update:
Current Passion: Sword fighting, wrestling, painting
On the nightstand:
Favorite Food: still fruit
Commonly Heard: “Actually……”

8-29-09 Update:
Life is different.  I wake up and Emma is on her way to school.  I like to go downstairs and play with my cars with Mama, eat breakfast, do some yoga poses, and GET OUTSIDE!  I really like my new colored pencils and drawing with them.

Narration recently overheard while Will was coloring with his new colored pencils: “This is a pirate ship.  And the Indians are scubadiving under it… and a whole school of fish are coming.”

3-15-09 Update:
Current Passion:
Board games, spelling out signs and words, building with blocks, and helping papa ‘fix things, dancing to music (or without musics), doing his ‘Fraggle’ dance, throwing things’.
On the nightstand: The Construction Alphabet
Favorite Food:
Fruit, cucumbers

11-3-08 Update:
Current Passion:
Building forts with couch cushions and blankets, helping papa with firewood.
On the nightstand:
Joey the Kangaroo, any Curious George.
Favorite Food:
Fruit, any fruit

7-11-08 Update:
Current Passion:
Playing with farm animals, digging on the dirt outside, helping papa
On the nightstand:
doesn’t matter what it is, as long as its a big stake of books
Favorite Food:

3-23-08 Update:
Will is now speaking quite a bit, its just that we can only follow about 65% of what he says. Along with lots of cute little sayings he’s got, such as “mot ner” (monster) and “sharp tooth, run, hide”, he’s also picked up some less desirable words like, “go away!”
He is running almost like Forest Gump now, even Emma has to pick up her pace to keep up. Other popular actions are to do whatever Emma does.
On the Night Stand:
If you Give a Moose a Muffin.
Favorite Foods
: “pop pop” (translation – popcorn) and cinnamon rolls.

12-28-07 Update-
Will repeats sounds for his sister, only. ‘MeMe’ is how he demands things. We joke with him that ‘Mimi’ is the fifth person in our household. Learned to say ‘dessert’.
Throwing is now an emotion. Prolific climber.

6-31-07-img-09.jpg 7-14-07 Update-
New Skills:
I am getting really good at climbing up and down stairs, with or without a hand to hold. I am running faster than ever. I can help dress myself (and undress too!). I am really good at picking flowers and lettuce in the greenhouse.
Current Words:
I have been learning lots of new words and sounds. Papa, mama, emma, dog, duck, and ball are still staples in my verbal diet. My new favorite words are “up” and “flower”. Animal sounds now include those for dog, cat, cow, duck, sheep, tiger, walrus, elephant, and camel!
Favorite Foods
: I still love fruit, especially blueberries and mango. Noodles and pizza are a big hit too. Oh, and ice cream cones!
Favorite Play
: I love to run up and down the hall chasing Emma, and trying to balance on the trampoline while Emma bounces, and wrestling with Emma. I really enjoy the game of emptying the shelves in the baking cupboard or snack shelves while Mama is cooking in the kitchen.

4-9-07 Update-
New Skills:
I have taken a few steps without holding on to anything – I don’t get it – I move faster with my butt scoot. I have now learned to put things into boxes and buckets, in addition to my excellent skill of removing things from boxes and buckets. Climbing – the stairs, my chair and table in the playroom, Emma’s stepstool, the stairs, and laundry baskets. I’m now good at blowing kisses.
Current Words:
ball, dog, Emma, Mama, dirt, boon (balloon), I’m working on animal sounds.
I like it all. And I want more…until I’m full and then I throw it on the floor. Fruit is my favorite.

2/21/07 Update —
New Motor Functions:
I’m really good at pulling up to a standing position… on chairs, empty boxes, the safety gate, Mama’s leg… anything! But I’m not ready to take steps quite yet; I still like my triped crawl/scoot to get around. I can climb up steps. I like it, but Mama and Papa don’t usually let me. I can point my finger! I’m getting better at putting a spoonful of food into my mouth. Where there’s a Will, there’s a way!
Currently Used Word(s):
DAH. DAH! Bah (ball), doh (dog), buh (bird). All usually used while pointing. DAH!
New Favorite Foods:
I am eating lots of new things and feeding myself mostly, as long as it’s cut into tiny chunks. I love chicken, dried blueberries, diced apples and grapes. Still love Cheerios.
Favorite Games
: I loved eating sand on those Hawaiian beaches. Taking everything out of the drawers in the kitchen (sometimes putting one or two things back in), wrestling with Emma, peekaboo, trying to swallow bits of anything I find on the floor before Mama takes it away from me.

2 responses to “Will’s

  1. Will, you are so cute! I can’t wait to meet you.
    Grandma McDonnell

  2. Baby Will,

    I want to play peekaboo with you and catch ball with you too! Can’t wait to meet you and see you someday soon I hope!

    Love your cousin Madigan

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